Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Joy of Giving Joy

Last year I was specially privilged to attend a yee-sang party where the guests of honour were a group of senior citizens from a local old folks' home. Several of them were physically handicapped and a few were in wheelchairs.

When they arrived at the community hall we had rented for the occasion, they were shy and unassuming, but we quickly put them at their ease by treating them as if they were our own kin. How their faces lighted up when we seated them at the dining tables and placed the savouries before them. 

The loh-hey proved a problem for a few of the old dears. Their arthritic fingers could not hold the chopsticks properly to pick up the yee sang ingredients. We placed our hands over theirs and helped them to do it. Loud and hearty were the wishes we made for their health and happiness. When we saw the happiness in their eyes, our hearts overflowed. And so did our own eyes.

For those of you who wish to arrange yee-sang parties for the less privileged, contact T.F. Food Industries by logging in to their website at http://springtoss.com/whatnew.php. They'll be happy to assist you.


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