Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Giving Renri New Significance

Talk about Renri, the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, and everyone thinks of yee sang and loh-hey. Which naturally brings to mind the myth about the goddess Nuwa creating our distant ancestors out of clay.

But, think again. Renri is supposed to be the common birthday of all mankind. Leaving aside the myth mentioned above, let's consider that which is truly signifcant - the commonality of mankind. Humans have one thing in common - the unique ability to think and reason, a gift that no other member of the animal kingdom possesses. 

Since we are united by that special ability, let's demonstrate our humaneness by caring a little more for those who have less. Sometimes it doesn't even cost money. A sympathetic ear, a kind word, a helping hand - these can work miracles. 

We are all one under the skin. The title of a famous Chinese classic even bears out this truth - All Men Are Brothers. So let's give new meaning to the ritual of loh-hey the next time Renri comes round. When we wish for abundance in our lives, let's make sure there's an abundance of love in our hearts too.


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