Sunday, November 22, 2009


I know I said you can improvise and compromise when it comes to yee sang. And you SHOULD, just to give life variety. But if you're considering turkey with yee sang, I'm telling you no - never ever! 

That's what a friend of mine proposed for his family's Christmas dinner this year, to which I was invited. I thought he was either joking or he had brain fever. It was neither. He was serious. I was equally serious when I declined the invitation to his Christmas repast. 

At this juncture, let me assure you that meat - any kind of meat - will NOT go down with yee sang ingredients or its dressing. Most kinds of seafood will blend, but some should not be taken uncooked. But when it comes to mixing any kind of meat - rare, medium or well-done - in your yee sang, place a big "X" across the idea.

That doesn't mean you can't have yee sang as an additional item - as a starter, for instance, before you tuck into the turkey. And you can loh hey, wishing for peace on earth and goodwill to all mankind. Like I always say, it's an endearing custom.

Have yourself a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.



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